The European University Alliance for Global Health LMU launches its next phase EUGLOH 2.0 with a Kick-Off Event in Munich


30th -31st January, 2023

At LMU Munich

LMU is delighted to launch a kick-off event of the second round of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) initiative co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme. The Alliance is a European association of universities and higher education institutions supported by the European Commission and European Union members states with an aim to establish a "European Education Area’. The continuation of EUGLOH 2.0 will allow the Alliance of 9 European universities to continue its joint efforts to have an impact in areas of: Education, Research, Innovation and Service to Society.

The launch of the second phase of this European initiative (2023-2027) is timely as it seeks to address future directions in prioritising global health concerns and health securities in Europe, in both, European and global contexts. The opening will be presented by the President of LMU, followed by a welcome by the president of each member university, the general secretary of EUGLOH, and student representation. Professor Julia Pongratz (LMU) will deliver a keynote speech on Mitigating Climate Change.

Structured across two days, the EUGLOH 2.0 event will be an opportunity for participants from member universities and the Alliance’s partners to discuss institutional, strategic and societal aspects of the project implementation, and their main commitments within it. Along with discussing the priorities for the next four years, the launch event promises to be a wonderful and lively opportunity for networking and institutional alliance-building with members of the societies concerned, with impacts on health discussed in both academic and non-academic spheres. The event will highlight the necessity for interdisciplinary, institutional, and holistic approaches to study, research, and work in areas of global health in order to strengthen national, European, and global efforts to tackle human, animal and environmental health challenges, individually and collectively.